Religion and State

Recent Findings on Religious Freedoms: A Global Assessment and American Update

Relying on recent data collections this essay documents the level of religious freedom across the globe, reviews the methods used to deny religious freedoms and explores the relationships these freedoms hold with social conflict. After offering a …

Promises, Practices, and Consequences of Religious Freedom: A Global Overview

Relying on recent cross-national data collections, this paper documents the discrepancy between the promise and practice of religious freedoms across the globe, reviews new data sources to better explain why and how religious freedoms are denied, and …

Compliance Gaps and the Failed Promises of Religious Freedoms

Previous research has established the striking disconnect between states' constitutional promises of religious freedoms and their actual practices for supporting such freedoms. Yet, past research has not fully explained, measured, or tested the …

New Data and Measures on Societal Discrimination and Religious Minorities

Previous data collections have demonstrated that the state discriminates against religions in many ways, but few offer measures on societal discrimination, and none collect data on societal discrimination using religious minorities as the unit of …

Countries Mimicking Neighbors: The Spatial Diffusion of Governmental Restrictions on Religion

Conceptualized as efforts to deny religious freedoms, previous research explains the presence of governmental restrictions on religion by isolating national governments, asserting that the primary determinant is a country's internal structural …

Assessing the Impact of Religious Registration

Religious groups often rely on a registration process to receive the legal status needed to operate openly. Yet, the registration process has become a recent source of controversy. This research uses case studies, trend data from three global …